Подарок на Новый Год von Leo Kaplan on 15. Dezember 2016 with Keine Kommentare Если у Вас еще нет подарка на Новый Год… … То смотрите мои работы, пишите мне, буду очень рад!
My daily illustration work von Leo Kaplan on 21. November 2016 with Keine Kommentare I am now working on the new children’s book illustration. Precision, passion and attention to detail are important to me in my work.
Pencil Drawings for illustrations (Part I) von Leo Kaplan on 16. November 2016 with Keine Kommentare Here are my scribbles and sketches of illustrations for „In 80 Days around the World“
Illustration: Old Stuff von Leo Kaplan on 2. August 2016 with Keine Kommentare In my illustration archive I’ve found some illustrations from „old“ time. Time flies so fast, therefore it seems to me, that 2007 is already an old, old time. 🙂 All of my old stuff can be seen here. In … Weiterlesen