My daily work
I am now working on the new children’s book illustration. Precision, passion and attention to detail are important to me in my work.
I am now working on the new children’s book illustration. Precision, passion and attention to detail are important to me in my work.
It is winter. And I am working on the new children’s book illustration. Precision, passion and attention to detail are important to me in my work.
Если у Вас еще нет подарка на Новый Год… … То смотрите мои работы, пишите мне, буду очень рад!
I am now working on the new children’s book illustration. Precision, passion and attention to detail are important to me in my work.
Here are my scribbles and sketches of illustrations for „In 80 Days around the World“
Кёльн 1242. Рыночная площадь была забита людьми до отказа. Шум стоял неввобразимый. Оно и понятно: не так часто в один день казнили сразу двоих, еще и ТАКИХ двоих. Говорят даже, что Конрад вон Хохштаден, архиепископ Кёльнский, сам присутсувовал на следствии … Weiterlesen
You must click on this image to zoom and move through the illustration and its details! Then you can switch back to full view. I hope you’ll enjoy this little feature. Just wait a little bit for it to load … Weiterlesen
I’ve been asked quite often how I paint my watercolor paintings, and I thought: Let’s show one of the paintings in one to one scale. I choose an „old“ painting „From Kheder“ (2010) You must click on this image to … Weiterlesen
I tried to film myself while watercolor painting for the first time. That’s why the camera was poorly positioned. Also, my bald skull is visible a little too often. Because of that I had to cut the video quite a … Weiterlesen
It is my daily work as illustrator of children books. Precision, passion and attention to detail are important to me in my work.