In 2012, I made this illustration and documented the whole process.
I collect a lot of work material
Then I make lot of scribbles and finally the the final sketch, which I transfer (via light table tracing) to paper
The transfered drawing will be stretched on the board and fluid mask is applied
Fine layer of acrylic paint is applied over the whole drawing and after drying the masking will be removed
and then I beginn with watercolor rendering
2 Antworten
Dani Raykova
I found your work on and decided to check your website.
Fascinating! Your work truly inspires me. I like your style and craftsmanship. Your work is dynamic – characters in action, breaking the space, etc. I enjoyed viewing your website.
I often borrow books ( mostly folk stories from around the world) from the library for my 5-year-old son. An illustration not only interprets the story but gives additional details and makes it alive. Your work achieves that successfully.
Leo Kaplan
Dear Dani, thanks a lot for your kind words. They inspire me for further work!